19 December 2021

Four More Down...

     I know it's been a little while since I updated my progress on the bucket list. Work has kept me pretty busy and so I've been pretty tired on the weekends. Since the last update I have managed to scratch another four films off of the list. Without further ado here are my reviews of those those films.

Halloween (the original): I'm not much for horror movies. It's not that I get scared easily...I just generally find they are overly predictable and I tend to get annoyed with the characters not being able to sense that they are in danger. Unfortunately the bucket list has a few horror films on it that I will have to subject myself to if I want to complete the challenge. I expected Halloween to be far more gruesome than it actually was. I'm sure it scared plenty of people when it first came out in the 70s...but today it really falls flat. It's one of the worst offenders when it comes to being predictable. It was pretty obvious when Michael was about to strike. I'm fairly sure I'll be able to resist the numerous sequels...although I was admittedly intrigued by the trailers for the one that came out earlier this year. Not enough to pay money to watch it though.

Four Weddings and a Funeral: This might be one of those films that I have to watch more than once to truly understand why it would be included on a movie bucket list. Don't get me wrong...I typically like Hugh Grant in just about any movie. I find it lacked a truly cohesive storyline. None of the characters were all that captivating (even Hugh Grant's character). I wouldn't go so far as to say it was terrible...there are plenty of other films that would fall into such a category. I would say it was average at best.

12 Angry Men: When I found this on DVD at Barnes and Noble and read the synopsis on the back I was actually intrigued. It doesn't feature a lot of well-known actors (at least to younger viewers). What made the movie all the more interesting is that this type of story is actually relevant today. If you're looking for action and adventure...look elsewhere. This drama based on a jury of 12 men deciding the fate of a young man accused of murder is something that could easily be remade today. I think this was a very well made film that didn't try to do more than necessary to tell a captivating story. If I go into much more detail, I would certainly ruin the movie. I recommend this to anyone who likes a good legal drama.

Groundhog Day: The premise of this movie never really seemed all that interesting to me. I know plenty people swear by this as a comedy classic. I disagree. Yes, there were a few parts that occasionally made me laugh. But overall it was about what I expected it to be. Maybe it's just not my type of humor. I'm sure someone reading this will be shocked that I disliked it. Maybe it was that I was predisposed against it, however, I felt the same way about The Goonies before I watched it for this list and I actually changed my mind. It would be much better for me if every movie on the list I was skeptical about was better than I initially thought. Sadly Groundhog Day was not one of those movies.

Now that I have two 3 day weekends back-to-back to close out 2021, I'm going to try and clear out a few more selections. Not sure which ones I'll tackle next. I'm also pondering a brief entry that takes a break from the bucket list challenge...all about Christmas movies. As always, feel free to leave a comment if you agree or disagree with any of the reviews I have included. I also saw online an ad for another movie poster that lists 100 movies from the 90s. I might just have to purchase that one as well...for another bucket list challenge. Some appear to be duplicates from the current list...which only means I will be able to work my way through it faster. Until next time...

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Wrapping Up 2023's Selections from the Bucket List

 As always - my apologies for not updating sooner. I haven't had as much time to watch movies as I would like. And I hate doing entries ...