Hi all! I'm back. Should have written these next three entries sooner but I got distracted with vacation and work stuff. Another 3 day weekend so I'll catch up on the entries and try to knock a few more off of the list.
The first day of the movie marathon (well night since I worked on Friday during the day) resulted in two movies being scratched off. I enjoyed both of them. Now for the reviews...
Dr. Strangelove: It got off to a bit of a slow start and I was questioning my judgment a bit for selecting this as the first film. However, once the basics of the story were established I found the movie pretty dang funny. Topping it off as a pleasant surprise was seeing a very young James Earl Jones in the cast. I've always liked George C. Scott. Overall rating probably a B+ (the slow start keeps it from getting an A).
Monty Python's Life of Brian: My first foray into Monty Python came many, many years ago with Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Admittedly I didn't quite get the humor the first couple of times I watched it. Not a huge shock since it's often said that British humor can be an acquired taste. But once I did "get it" I loved it. I kind of expected Life of Brian to be the same sort of acquired taste. Much to my surprise I "got it" pretty much from the start and found the movie hysterical. Overall rating: A.
Next post will review day two of the marathon.
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