Hi everyone! Welcome to my movie blog. I'll start by telling you a little bit about what this blog is going to be about and what you can likely expect. Obviously it's about movies...but let me be more specific. Although I do enjoy doing movie reviews on occasion they will not be focus of my posts...at least not at first. Instead I'm inviting you all to join me on my various movie watching challenges. The idea is pretty straightforward. Not long ago I purchased one of those scratch off bucket list posters. This particular poster includes 100 movies to see. As of today I have seen 31 out of the 100 movies listed. Below is a picture of how the poster looks with the 31 movies scratched off.
My goal is scratch off as many of the remaining 69 movies as I can. With that goal in mind I have decided that I am going to spend the better part of my Memorial Day weekend engaged in a "Bucket List Movie Marathon." I may watch a few titles as time permits in the weeks leading up to the marathon.
I have always considered myself something of a movie buff. I love movie trivia and I can routinely quote from several of my favorite films at length. For example, I can recite a large portion of the original "Major League" movie (so many great quotes from that movie). I don't rule out entire genres, although I am far less inclined to watch horror movies...not because I am scared of them; I just generally find them lacking in a decent plot/storyline. They are also typically somewhat predictable in nature (my opinion). Probably my two favorite genres are comedy and musicals. I've been known to enjoy films that other people would probably dismiss as weird while avoiding (or disliking) many films that some people consider classics. This last part is one of the reasons why the movie bucket list poster presents such a challenge...it will "force" me to watch some movies that I have put off watching. I'm sure plenty of you out there will ask yourself "how can she claim to be a movie buff if she hasn't seen xx film." I invite y'all to share your comments/opinions of the movies I watch. I'll probably add a short review of each film (along with my overall opinion of the film).
That's about all for the introduction. The next post will provide a list of the 1st 31 movies that have already been completed along with a very short blurb about each. Then follow along as I work towards completing this challenge.
Thanks for reading!
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